Small Capital Improvement Program
The Small Capital Improvement Program is funded on an annual basis by the Provost. Proposals for the 2024-25 cycle are due July 8, 2024. Links to the annual call letter and the proposal forms are provided below.
Small capital improvements are defined as new construction or renovation, including fixed equipment, estimated to cost between $20,000 and approximately $1,500,000. Priority is given to projects that meet the following criteria:
- Accommodate new faculty hires
- Improve instructional space
- Correct critical life-safety deficiencies
Due to fiscal challenges, preference will be given to organizations providing matching funds of 25% or more, to assist with maximizing available funds.
Examples of projects that have been funded in the past include:
- Renovation of laboratory and office space to meet the needs of new faculty
- Class laboratory renovations to accommodate interactive teaching methodologies
- Renovations to provide office, research, and instructional space for a newly formed academic department
- Improvements to the campus emergency telephone system
- Small Capital Improvement Program for 2024-25 (Proposals Due July 8, 2024)
- 2024-25 Small Capital Improvement Program Guidelines for Prefunding and Reimbursement (Updated February 28, 2024)
Need Assistance?
Meg Beatrice
Principal Educational Facility Planner